Halloween stories and poems – The Haunted Graveyard

[Day 18]

Haunted stories and tales. Scary ghost stories and spooky creepy witches. Halloween horror, mysterious screaming and evil laugh. Campfire stories of ghosts and haunted houses. Evil bloody supernatural things. Spooky skeletons, feared werewolves and vampires. Just imagine what a dangerous world is out there….. But – The Haunted Graveyard is just a funny Halloween poem for kids :-)…or not? …….Milou

Halloween haunted graveyardmanybatmanybatmanybatmanybat

The Haunted Graveyard by Milou

It was a black and gloomy night
And not a star was in sight
The moon shone brightly in the sky
When suddenly I hear a cry

I run past the gravestones covered in moss
This graveyard was haunted, the shriek meant a loss
I needed to save whoever screamed
Since there’s a ghost that eats brains, so it seemed
I kept on running ‘til I’d seen the case
My scared friend Patrick had tripped on his lace

reaperhalloween spider clipartcreepy scary monster eyes

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