The Sun and the Moon

The sun is shining in the sky
But the moon gives a sigh

He can’t light up the day
For the sun is in the way

But at night the moon shines bright
And the sun is out of sight

He was sleeping in his bed
And wasn’t angry to be said

That the moon is shining bright
In the black and gloomy night


  1. I like this one, cool.

    Regards, June

  2. thank’s

  3. kl heres my moon poem:

    Luminous moon
    Enlighten the night
    Twinkling stars
    Glowing with light
    Behind is the sun
    Keeping it bright
    Shining in darkness
    It blazes alight.


    A blackened moon once was a relic
    shon down a gleaming charm on silver lined sky
    her years of glory, eclipsing, rotating, waiting
    though shortening, shattering, soon to die.

  4. this poem was really nice….i luved it!!!!!!!!
    who ever did it he/she did a great job…..keep it up!

  5. Hi Daanika,

    Thanks for you nice comment….I wrote it myself…all poems here on my blog are written be me….you can as well listen to some of them ….check it out..


  6. Thanks so much for creating this for the children they can really apreaciate this and so do I. Thanks again

    Jaime Fox

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